Breathe with Bea
Our resources have been designed to help children deal with big emotions and to promote well-being through rhyme and fun activities.
About The Series
The ‘Breathe with Bea’ series aims to teach children the very important message that all feelings are ok! There are no bad or wrong feelings. Feelings are like visitors – they will come, but they will soon go. Being able to recognise these feelings in your body, naming them and learning strategies to cope with them are key features of the series.
Encouraging children to use positive self-talk, affirmations, gratitude and breathing techniques empowers them to deal with big feelings. Another key element of the series is being a good friend and being kind - just like Bea, an amazing role model for children. Bea is warm-hearted, considerate, sympathetic, caring and respectful and shows her friends how to spread kindness.
“One reason big feelings can be so uncomfortable for small children is that they don’t view emotions as temporary.”
Daniel J.Siegel, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry - UCLA
Meet Bea
“I have a superpower,
And you have one too,
Come on my adventure,
I’ll show you what to do.”
Worry Wally
“I am Worry Wally,
Sometimes I come to stay,
But use your superpower,
To help me go away.”
Angry Ali
“I am Angry Ali,
Sometimes I can appear,
You have the magic power,
To make me disappear!”
Sad Safie
“I am Sad Safie,
I make everything seem grey,
But stick with Bea and you’ll see,
That I’m not here to stay!”
Bea’s Best Bits
FREE Lesson Plans
Lesson plans designed to reinforce the key messages in Bea’s Ocean Commotion , Bea’s Jungle Rumble and Bea’s Polar Express SOS. These lessons, worksheets, questions and games encourage the practice of mindful breathing techniques and develop emotional literacy through fun and engaging activities.
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